Comments are Requested on Proposed Homeland Security Regulation that May Punish Immigrant Families for Use of Public Benefits.
Posted By Cliff Tuttle | October 11, 2018
No. 1,571
Sister Valerie Zottola has sent a bulletin to the Amigos of Casa San Jose with information to learn about and comment on proposed regulations issued by the Department of Homeland Security that would expand the so-called “Public Charge Test” that restricts immigration rights of persons who utilize certain government programs. Here is the full text of her message, including links to more information and for those who wish to submit comments. Such comments will be compiled and summarized in the Federal Register and because they are part of the official record, they do make a difference.
“The new Public Charge Rule, with the devastating changes proposed by the Department of Homeland Security, has been posted, and is open for public comment starting yesterday, and available for only 60 days. This rule change will penalize immigrants for using the few benefits that are available to them or their (often American citizen) children, denying them any future eligibility for US citizenship. It is urgent that everyone who supports immigrants send in a comment, which is easy to do online. You can do it through the link provided by “Protecting Immigrant Families” OR directly through the official US Government site at , where you paste this: USCIS-2010-0012 – into the search box, click on Search, and then click on “Comment Now.”
Much more info from the Center for Law and Social Policy & National Immigration Law Center. Also: “Immigrants refuse aid for fear it will doom green card hopes”.
ALSO, Casa would like to host an information session on the Public Charge issue and how it affects our community in late October, but we need to gauge interest – if you would like to come, please email by Oct. 16th.”