Pittsburgh Legal Back Talk

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Don’t Click That Link; #Law Office Security

Posted By Cliff Tuttle | February 22, 2016

No. 1,248

Image: suretech.com

Image: suretech.com

I read not too long ago that most  hacking of law offices occur as a result of an employee clicking on a link in an email.

Unfortunately, some of the bad guys have been getting very good at impersonation. Recently I received two emails supposedly from a well-known national retailer. The layout was impeccable — no spelling or grammar errors, excellent graphics.  The first invited me to enter my name in their bridal registry.  A couple hours later, a second email arrived thanking me for registering (I didn’t) and telling me that I would receive a thank you gift.  Just click on the link, it said.

Of course, this was no temptation for me — but consider a 22 year-old secretary in a law firm who finds this in her morning email. Of course, the email could have been legitimate.  Sometimes you just don’t know.  But in a world  where electronic deception is all too common, we must take care not to click on unsolicited links.

The firm should give strict instructions to its employees never to click links on any unsolicited email.



CLIFF TUTTLE has been a Pennsylvania lawyer for over 45 years and (inter alia) is a real estate litigator and legal writer. The posts in this blog are intended to provide general information about legal topics of interest to lawyers and consumers with a Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania focus. However, this information does not constitute legal advice and there is no lawyer-client relationship created when you read this blog. You are encouraged to leave comments but be aware that posted comments can be read by others. If you wish to contact me in privacy, please use the Contact Form located immediately below this message. I will reply promptly and in strict confidence.

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