The Assessment Picture Becomes More Complete.
Posted By Cliff Tuttle | February 21, 2012
No. 813
Yesterday, the South Hills 2013 assessment values were posted on the County’s website. The Eastern suburbs were posted earlier. With the majority of the County up, the big picture is starting to become clearer.
Check out your assessment at this link.
Take the new value and divide it by the old value. If you come up with a number like 1.17 (with a bunch of digits)or less, you are in line with the median of the increase in prices paid for properties between the last assessment in 2002 and the last year for which stats were compiled, 2010. That is the equivalent of a 17% increase. When the new stats are announced by the State on July 1, it will probably raise the 2011 common level ratio to around 20%.
If your ratios above that, you will have to decide whether you should appeal. The County says that it is giving preference to appeals of properties showing a 45% increase, since those will probably result in a tax increase. That is a rather safe bet. However, since the majority of your tax is school and local, not county, the overall percentage of increase in your community ought to play a role. But bear in mind that many of the larger increases will probably be reduced, resulting in a lower aggregate increase.
The appeal deadline is April 2. Get an appeal form and if possible, file it in person in the County Office Building (corner of Forbes and Ross Street, on block East of Grant Street) on the third floor. Be sure to take away a clocked-in copy and keep it, so that you can prove you appealed if yours is lost in the shuffle.