Pittsburgh Legal Back Talk

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Why does anyone choose to live in a flood zone?

Posted By Cliff Tuttle | February 18, 2018

No. 1,422

Image: CBS local TV

Its not unpredictable and it won’t be long before it happens again.

There are many places, near rivers and streams where floods occur regularly, even though the properties are not in official flood zones.

Development on higher ground can cause flooding in the valley below.  This can be caused by the paving of new parking lots without adequate storm sewers. Unfortunately, there are many streets where there are no storm drains and sewers at all.  Water gushes down the street during a heavy rain. In addition, steep driveways or hillsides can pour water into garages and basements.

If you already own a house with a flooding problem, you have to deal with it. You have no choice. You may need french drains or a sump pump. Yet, even those solutions don’t always work.

On the other hand,  if you are looking for a new home, you still have a choice. But you have to look for the danger signs. Why buy somebody else’s problem? Look for conditions that make a property flood prone.  Seek the high ground.



CLIFF TUTTLE has been a Pennsylvania lawyer for over 45 years and (inter alia) is a real estate litigator and legal writer. The posts in this blog are intended to provide general information about legal topics of interest to lawyers and consumers with a Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania focus. However, this information does not constitute legal advice and there is no lawyer-client relationship created when you read this blog. You are encouraged to leave comments but be aware that posted comments can be read by others. If you wish to contact me in privacy, please use the Contact Form located immediately below this message. I will reply promptly and in strict confidence.

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